OK, I'm really stuck with something very simple (I guess) – I looked all over the place but couldn't find an answer.
I want to re-write the confirmation-URL via gform_confirmation to dynamically build from the entries made:
if($form["id"] == "1"){
$confirmation = array('redirect' => 'https://billing.micropayment.de/ebank2pay/event/?' . 'firstname=' . $entry['1.3'] . '&' . 'lastname=' . $entry['1.4'] . '&' . 'email=' . $entry['1.2'] . '&project=rdstnz&title=Mitgliedsaccount-Er-distanziert-sich&amount=200');
All my $entry-calls are left blank upon confirmation/submission. How do I manage to get the field-values? Would you kindly provide a simple code to call upon a form entry? Then I could implement that one and move on...
Thanks & sorry for my poor PHP-skills.