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Get List of Enteries

  1. Two questions:

    (1) What's the recommended way to query a Form's Enteries so I can make a simpe custom display? Is there an API for that? (A way to produce something like: Select * from Entries where zipcode = 94025).

    (2) What's the best way to get a particular entry and it's form data? Is there an API for that? (A way to produce something like: Select * from Entries where username = 'tommy' LIMIT 1)


    Posted 11 years ago on Friday February 15, 2013 | Permalink
  2. RGFormsModel::get_leads will return all the leads for one form. Here is how the function is defined:

    public static function get_leads($form_id, $sort_field_number=0, $sort_direction='DESC', $search='', $offset=0, $page_size=30, $star=null, $read=null, $is_numeric_sort = false, $start_date=
    null, $end_date=null, $status='active'){

    Once you have all the leads in your array, you can loop through them and test for the zipcode equal to whatever value you want.

    I'm not sure how #2 is different from #1. Is the function RGFormsModel::get_leads sufficient for what you want to do?

    Posted 11 years ago on Monday February 18, 2013 | Permalink