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Get PHP variables in validation

  1. dn11233455

    I am trying to integrate NGPVAN's contribution services with Gravity Forms. Their API takes a PHP array that looks something like this:

    $d = new NgpDonation('your-credentials', true, array(
        'FirstName' => 'John',
        'LastName' => 'Doe',
        'Address1' => '100 Elm Street',
        'Zip' => '12345',
        'Cycle' => '2012',
        'Amount' => '50.00',
        'CreditCardNumber' => '4111111111111111',
        'ExpYear' => '13',
        'ExpMonth' => '05'

    with many other possible fields. My code for validation is:

    add_action("gform_validation", "process_credit_card_data");
    * Courtsey of
    function process_credit_card_data($validation_result) {
        // print_r($form); // for debugging
        // print_r($validation_result);
        // print_r($_POST);
        if ($validation_result['is_valid']) {
                        // cycle information
                $cycle = '2012';
            /* ******************** General Web Contribute Form ******************** */
            if (($validation_result['form']['id'] == 4)) {
                $source = 'ccOnline';
          // attempt payment -- being ready to reject if needed.
                // name information
                $firstName = rgpost("input_{$field['16']}");
                $lastName = rgpost("input_{$field['17']}");
                $email = rgpost("input_{$field['3']}");
                $phone = rgpost("input_{$field['4']}");
                // address information
                    $address1 = rgpost("input_{$field['18']}");
                    $address2 = rgpost("input_{$field['19']}");
                    $city = rgpost("input_{$field['20']}");
                    $state = rgpost("input_{$field['21']}");
                    $zip = rgpost("input_{$field['22']}");
                // amount information
                  $amountradio = rgpost("input_{$field['6']}");
                  $amount = '5';
    		    // credit card information
                $ccnum = rgpost("input_{$field['8']}");
                $exmonth = rgpost("input_{$field['9']}");
                $exyear = rgpost("input_{$field['10']}");
                // recurring information
             //   $recurring = rgpost("input_11');
              //  $recurringfreq = rgpost("input_12');
             //   $recurringtotal = rgpost("input_13');
                // employment information
                $employer = rgpost("input_{$field['14']}");
                $occupation = rgpost("input_{$field['15']}");
                $result = do_transaction($lastName, $firstName, $email, $phone, $address1, $address2, $city, $state, $zip, $amount, $ccnum, $expMonth, $expYear, $employer, $occupation, $cycle, $source);
                if ($result !== true) {
                    $validation_result['is_valid'] = false;
                    foreach($validation_result["form"]["fields"] as &$field){
                        if ($field["id"] == "8"){
                            $field["failed_validation"] = true;
                            $field["validation_message"] = $result;
                    } else {
                    // I like to blank credit card data so it's not stored locally.
                    $_POST['input_8'] = '*****';
                return $validation_result;
                /* ******************** End General Web Contribute Form ******************** */
                } else {
                return $validation_result;
            } else {
            return $validation_result;
     // This is the function that is called above
    function do_transaction($lastName, $firstName, $email, $phone, $address1, $address2, $city, $state, $zip, $amount, $ccnum, $exmonth, $exyear, $employer, $occupation, $cycle, $source) {
        require 'NgpDonation.php';
        // Your string goes below. Will look something like the following:
        $apiString = "*******REDACTED FOR CONFIDENTIALITY********";
        $d = new NgpDonation($apiString, true, array(
        'FirstName' => $firstName,
        'LastName' => $lastName,
        'Email' => $email,
        'HomePhone' => $phone,
        'Address1' => $address1,
        'Address2' => $address2,
        'City' => $city,
        'State' => $state,
        'Zip' => $zip,
        'Cycle' => $cycle,
        'Amount' => $amount,
        'CreditCardNumber' => $ccnum,
        'ExpYear' => $exyear,
        'ExpMonth' => $exmonth,
        'Employer' => $employer,
        'Occupation' => $occupation,
        'Source' => $source
        $result = $d->save();
        if ($result) {
            return true;
            } else {
            if ( $d->hasErrors() ) {
                $errors = $d->getErrors();
            if ( $d->hasFault() ) {
                $fault = $d->getFault();
            $result = $d->getResult();
            $errorString = 'testingerror';
            return $errorString;

    Every time I send the form I get the validation error. Am I pulling the variables incorrectly? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Posted 11 years ago on Monday June 25, 2012 | Permalink