I am adding in a 'custom-field' box to a post-type gravity form that I created.
The problem is when I add the custom-field choice, I do not have the ability to select 'image' within the custom field drop down choices.
I am only given
single line
multiple choice
I already have created an image upload type metabox for my post-type.
This means on the backend, when a user goes to input a new post-type 'testimony' I have a metabox with an image uploader called 'profile-picture'.
Under normal wp operation, the user is able to select an image from their computer, and upload it to the post they are creating. This has been tested and works great.
I am trying to bring this functionality into the front end via gf.
I see gf has an 'image' post-field, which would work, but the problem is I don't see where to add the custom field to the image choice.
Best solution for me would be to have the ability to choose a custom field, and in the drop down choices, have an image uploader choice that I can assign to my custom field.
Is there a way to get this working in the interim?