Although I see an 'Enable form persistence' checkbox under Form Settings for the new beta release of GF, I do not see any reference to this feature in the release notes or dev notes. No mention of it in the forums either.
Although I click the checkbox, it becomes unclicked after I attempt to save my settings. i.e.: it doesn't work for me.
Will this feature allow for the form user to save a page of a multipage? I am hooppppiiinnggg so!! If it is, can you provide guidance on whether:
- does user have to click 'next' for the form to save? or will you integrate a 'save now' button?
- will the form values erase themselves if user attempts to submit the form with an incorrect field or required field missing? (currently a bug of the data-persistance-addon)
- i know GF does not give ETAs but I am curious to know if it works now but maybe broken for me? or it will be included in an upcoming release?
- i have so many other questions but i guess ill have to wait for official announcement... (ie: will user have to be signed in?... does this only work on multipage forms?... does data save in WP database or as a cookie user's comp?)
i am very excited for this feature as you can probably tell.
thanks! ben