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Gform field css class - no output

  1. avianex


    Im trying to add custom CSS clases to my input fields.

    I started to test with the example

    add_action("gform_field_css_class", "custom_class", 10, 3);
    function custom_class($classes, $field, $form){
        if($field["type"] == "text"){
            $classes .= " custom_textfield_class";
        return $classes;

    Unfortunately I do not get any outpit in the text inputs.
    (I don´t have a live demo, it´s still localhost)

    Are there any more requirements to use this filter?


    Posted 11 years ago on Sunday June 16, 2013 | Permalink
  2. David Peralty

    You added this to your theme's functions.php file? If you are using a caching plugin, you'll need to clear your cache.

    Posted 11 years ago on Monday June 17, 2013 | Permalink
  3. avianex

    Thanks for e hint - yes I did, no result. I also tried to specifie the exact form ...
    I don´t have a caching plugin.

    Posted 11 years ago on Monday June 17, 2013 | Permalink
  4. avianex

    Additionally I´m posting the original output from the server (it´s a standard form, nothing customized):

    <form id="gform_1" action="/wordpress/kontakt/#gf_1" target="gform_ajax_frame_1" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">
    	<div class="gform_body">
    		<ul id="gform_fields_1" class="gform_fields top_label description_below">
    			<li id="field_1_1" class="gfield">
    			<label class="gfield_label" for="input_1_1_3">Name</label>
    			<div id="input_1_1" class="ginput_complex ginput_container">
    			<span id="input_1_1_3_container" class="ginput_left">
    			<input id="input_1_1_3" type="text" tabindex="1" value="" name="input_1.3">
    			<label for="input_1_1_3">Vorname</label>
    			<span id="input_1_1_6_container" class="ginput_right">
    			<div class="gf_clear gf_clear_complex"></div>
    			<li id="field_1_2" class="gfield" style="display:none;">
    			<li id="field_1_3" class="gfield">
    			<li id="field_1_4" class="gfield gfield_contains_required" style="display:none;">
    	<div class="gform_footer top_label">
    Posted 11 years ago on Monday June 17, 2013 | Permalink