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  1. beuzathor

    I would like to know if with the hook gform_after_submission it's possible to edit the form after submission by member.
    On my site member complet form and it's transfered in a post. Is it possible for them to edit their post via the form after ?

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday February 2, 2012 | Permalink
  2. Hi, beuzathor,

    Being able to edit the post after the form has been submitted could be done by setting a second form to be your confirmation page. This will require someone with php experience. You would need to pass the entry_id from the first form in the querystring to the second form. Then you can use the gform_pre_render hook ( to pre-populate your second form with the post information. The post id can be retrieved from the entry. Then you would use the gform_after_submission hook on the second form to alter the post. You may also want to delete the new entry generated from the second form since you most likely do not want that entry saved; you are just using the second form for editing your post, not tracking new entries.

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday February 10, 2012 | Permalink

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