Hey guys,
I'm sure you're slammed right now with 1.7 upgrade issues. Thanks for taking a minute to help me out. I appreciate it.
I'm using the gform_enqueue_scripts hook to add a simple script to add html5 placeholder support to a form, which is loosely based on this tutorial: http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-add-placeholder-text-in-gravity-forms/
I'm using the ajax submit feature. When I submit a form with errors, it looks like my custom script is injected into the iframe, which then throws an error due to jQuery not being loaded in the iframe.
Is there a way to prevent my script from loading/enqueueing in the iframe? Or is there a way to load jQuery in the iframe?
Sorry I don't have a link for you. I'm developing a site locally, but will upload it by end of day PST if I am able.