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gform_post_submission problems

  1. A simple problem...for a beginner in gf.

    I have a gravity forms and want to capture all the values after submission. Following is the piece of code for that purpose. I am just dumping the values to a file so as to look at the trigger happening on this functions....but the file in question is not created...which means that the trigger is not happening...

    any pointers appreciated...

    by the way: what is the difference between gform_post_submission & gform_after_submission ?


    (code follows:)

    /*The sms form is currently #5 ...should be modified if changed*/

    function process_ps_form($entry,$form)
    /*first test the values by writing to file*/
    $fhandle = fopen( get_template_directory().'/scripts/form_info_dump.txt','w');

    //the country code where the sms needs to be sent to
    $country_isd_code = $entry['52'];
    fwrite($fhandle,'Country isd code is:'.$country_isd_code.'\n');

    //getting telephone numbers
    $tnumbers = $entry['32'];
    fwrite($fhandle,'Telephone numbers used:'.$tnumbers.'\n');

    //get the message to be sent
    $message = $entry['34'];
    fwrite($fhandle,'Message to be sent is:'.$message.'\n');

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday May 8, 2012 | Permalink