i am using the name and password for registering users. how could i move on the name the first name, last name and on the password the enter passsword, confirm password before the input, is there a way to revers the input - label order?
i am using the name and password for registering users. how could i move on the name the first name, last name and on the password the enter passsword, confirm password before the input, is there a way to revers the input - label order?
Nope, you would need to manually craft some CSS to change the field sub-labels. There's no option or shortcut to do that right now.
Thanks. I used jquery to prepend labal before the input. Any plans to include a hook for that?
I'm sure we'll add some other options to do that in the future. We have plans to rework some of the complex fields - add more options and such in the future.