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Going direct to PayPal upon submit with PayPal Pro addon

  1. We do not want to have the credit card details entered on the form (because the site does not have an ssl certificate and a warning comes up in the field).
    We just want a single product which we have on the form and when you click submit goes straight to the PayPal payment page so that they can pay with a credit card and not setup a paypal account.

    any ideas on how the best way to set this up (we have both PayPal Pro and standard addon and we have a PayPal Pro account with paypal)

    Thank anyone


    Posted 12 years ago on Saturday December 15, 2012 | Permalink
  2. You need only a PayPal standard account and the PayPal payments standard add-on. Using that, all transactions will be handled off your site at the PayPal site. Your site will not collect any credit card or payment information.

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday December 17, 2012 | Permalink