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Google Issues

  1. I first want to say that I love Gravity Forms. It is everything that I have always wanted from a contact form for Wordpress.

    However, I have installed on a couple of sites so far (developer license) and have had issues with both in the eyes of Google. I was hoping that you could shed some light on the situation.

    I installed the form on for their online application submission and the contact us page. They then received this note "apparently" sent from Google:

    Subject: Phishing notification regarding

    Dear site owner or webmaster of,

    We recently discovered that some pages on your site look like a possible phishing attack, in which users are encouraged to give up sensitive information such as login credentials or banking information. We have begun showing a warning page to users who visit this site in certain browsers that receive anti-phishing data from Google, as well as users redirected to this site from various Google properties.

    Below are one or more example URLs on your site which may be part of a phishing attack:

    http://www.rocktonchamber .com/wp-includes/images/email_security.php

    Here is a link to a sample warning page:

    We strongly encourage you to investigate this immediately to protect users who are being directed to a suspected phishing attack being hosted on your web site. Although some sites intentionally host such attacks, in many cases the webmaster is unaware because:

    1) the site was compromised
    2) the site doesn't monitor for malicious user-contributed content

    If your site was compromised, it's important to not only remove the content involved in the phishing attack, but to also identify and fix the vulnerability that enabled such content to be placed on your site. We suggest contacting your hosting provider if you are unsure of how to proceed.

    Once you've secured your site, and removed the content involved in the suspected phishing attack, or if you believe we have made an error and this is not actually a phishing attack, you can request that the warning be removed by visiting
    and reporting an "incorrect forgery alert." We will review this request and take the appropriate actions.

    Google Search Quality Team

    Has anyone ever seen this before? I don't believe I did anything wrong when installing the form. This was also sent within days of me installing the form.

    My 2nd website that I installed the Gravity Forms on was This is a hobby site of mine. I put a couple of forms on it using Gravity forms.....and my top Google rankings for the keyword terms "Glasspar G3" and "Glasspar G3 for sale" have disappeared. In fact, I am nowhere to be found at all....kinda like I got blacklisted by Google. This seemed to have happened immediately after installing Gravity Forms.

    Please help me shed some light on this as this could be a problem. Thanks!


    Posted 14 years ago on Friday February 5, 2010 | Permalink
  2. Gravity Forms wouldn't have anything to do with either issue.

    The plugin simply inserts the form and the necessary script for the form to work. There isn't anything that should flag a phishing attack warning or adversely affect SEO/page rank. You've got something else going on in your themes or content that are causing the issues.

    From the URL you posted, it's choking on the "email_security.php" script that I would guess you're probably using as an image reference somewhere.. not sure but this is something located in your "wp_includes" folder, and not related at all to Gravity Forms.

    Whatever the cause is, I can say with certainty that an out of the box installation of Gravity Forms shouldn't create either issue.

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday February 5, 2010 | Permalink