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Google Maps

  1. takemura

    Has anyone set their forms up so that users can plot their location on a Google Map? Is this even possible with GF?

    I'm thinking of trying to hook it up to the Map Press plugin. How doable is that?

    Posted 15 years ago on Monday November 2, 2009 | Permalink
  2. I'm not aware of anyone that has done this, and i'm not sure how it would be possible within the context of a form field.

    You could have it occur a step before the form, have them select their location on a map using the Google Maps API and then pass that information to a hidden field on a form that they then fill out.

    Posted 15 years ago on Monday November 2, 2009 | Permalink
  3. takemura

    Thanks Carl, I'm sure it can be done as per this example of a WP site using CForms:

    Posted 15 years ago on Monday November 2, 2009 | Permalink
  4. What would be cool is a native Gravity Forms field, a Map Field, with Google Maps integration to display the map. Alex is going to hate me for suggesting this one but i'll run it by the team.

    I know you use post fields a lot, just giving you a heads up that 1.3 will add more advanced Custom Field functionality. When adding a Post Custom Field to a form you will be able to select from a variety of field types (drop down, radio buttons, paragraph text, website, email, etc.) to use.

    This means with Post Custom Fields using drop downs and radio buttons you can guide their selection from only predefined options. It also means if you use the website or email field type as a custom field it will validate the input properly because it knows it should be a website or email.

    It wil make using the Post Custom Fields for user submitted data even easier.

    More details on 1.3 will be released later this week.

    Posted 15 years ago on Monday November 2, 2009 | Permalink
  5. takemura

    Thanks again Carl. A mapping field would be super cool ;-)

    Posted 15 years ago on Tuesday November 3, 2009 | Permalink
  6. Great 1.3 news ! a Post Custom Field with a Number type will be great.

    Posted 15 years ago on Friday November 6, 2009 | Permalink
  7. Yes, a Number field will be possible with the new Post Custom Field. So will website, email, drop downs, radio buttons, etc. Pretty much all of the single value fields.

    Multiple value fields such as Name, Address, and Checkboxes will not be available. These fields output multiple values (First Name, Last Name, Address 1, Address 2, City, etc.) and WordPress Custom Fields are designed for a single value (key/value pair) so this is why some fields won't be supported.

    Posted 15 years ago on Friday November 6, 2009 | Permalink
  8. net_mage


    I have the googlemaps code to read from a custom field all done. All GM api code sits in functions.php and only requires 1 function call with variable inside loop. Let me know if you would like to have a look and also if you could drop me a version of the 1.3 for testing today. Thanks.

    Posted 15 years ago on Friday November 6, 2009 | Permalink
  9. Do you have this working somewhere where the front end form can be seen? Would love to take a look.

    Posted 15 years ago on Friday November 6, 2009 | Permalink
  10. net_mage

    I have a very rough development site up for component testing that I think I can offer you later this afternoon. In the meantime I would be happy shoot over the functions.php code and directions if you want to try it with a working GM api key.

    Its pretty much an out of the box solution.

    Posted 15 years ago on Friday November 6, 2009 | Permalink
  11. I'd love to check it out. Send over the info when it is ready, and a link to see it in action on a test site if you have one available. Thanks!

    Posted 15 years ago on Friday November 6, 2009 | Permalink
  12. net_mage

    Where shall I send this code?

    Posted 15 years ago on Friday November 6, 2009 | Permalink
  13. net_mage


    I would like to test it out with the 1.3 code if you have a testing package? I would be happy to write a full tutorial for your forums.

    Posted 15 years ago on Friday November 6, 2009 | Permalink
  14. I emailed the latest version of 1.3 to the account associated with your login earlier today. Check that, let me know if you didn't receive it. You can send the code and information to the email address I used to email you (carl at

    Posted 15 years ago on Friday November 6, 2009 | Permalink
  15. net_mage


    Oh sorry I haven't checked that account today. Look for my file shortly. Thanks.

    Posted 15 years ago on Friday November 6, 2009 | Permalink
  16. net_mage

    Okay - to settle the issue I have successfully integrated the googlemaps api with the gf plugin to display a map on a page or post based upon custom field data. If there is interest I will write up a quick tutorial for everyone.

    Posted 15 years ago on Sunday November 8, 2009 | Permalink
  17. David Peralty

    Huge interest here net_mage! :)

    Posted 15 years ago on Sunday November 8, 2009 | Permalink
  18. Raintrader

    Also interested ;-)

    Posted 15 years ago on Monday November 9, 2009 | Permalink
  19. net_mage

    Hey guys sorry for the delay. I am currently testing this out fully with the 1.3 beta.

    Posted 15 years ago on Monday November 16, 2009 | Permalink
  20. pierre.ristic

    Also interested :)
    Is it allways in beta only ?

    Posted 15 years ago on Wednesday December 16, 2009 | Permalink
  21. The google maps integration was being created by net_mage, i'm not sure where it currently is as far as development goes. Maybe he will see this and post an update....

    Posted 15 years ago on Wednesday December 16, 2009 | Permalink
  22. net_mage

    Sorry everyone,

    I have been extremely busy lately. I will post the code for GM integration with directions shortly. I did forward this to the GF team in case they wanted to integrate it with an add-on down the road.

    Posted 15 years ago on Wednesday December 16, 2009 | Permalink
  23. takemura

    Hello net_mage, I would be interested in this too. Please share, thanks.

    Posted 15 years ago on Thursday December 17, 2009 | Permalink
  24. A nice way to do this that would degrade gracefully would be to have a special field type in Gravity forms which outputs longitude and latitude fields where you could manually enter coordinates.

    This would keep the Gravity Forms core bloat free...

    You could then, via a separate plugin, use jQuery to hide these fields (make sure the fields are surrounded by a div with a well-named class) and 'replace' them with a Google Map. The Map can be coded to update the field values when you click on it.

    I think something like Maps should definitely be a module add-on.

    Posted 15 years ago on Friday December 18, 2009 | Permalink
  25. net_mage


    Did you guys ever get a chance to play with my maps functions file?

    Posted 15 years ago on Friday December 18, 2009 | Permalink
  26. pierre.ristic

    On my side I'm looking to integrating Gravity Form plugin with Geo Mashup WP plugin.
    It should be eazyer... I'm searching which value to post.

    Example here: ... Only "Copenhagen" is in the filed...

    Posted 15 years ago on Saturday December 19, 2009 | Permalink
  27. This is interesting.. I'd like to see how you guys are using it but it'd be nice to have some sort of gmap functionality in the future to allow admins and front-end visitors to add addresses to be mapped... think style where you can add your address - admins can edit etc...
    I honestly don't have a need for that functionality but it'd be nice to know it's there if/when needed ;)

    Posted 15 years ago on Tuesday December 22, 2009 | Permalink
  28. Hello,

    Does anybody have access to the files that net_mage altered? I would love to integrate this exact thing into my web site. I want users to be able to drag a marker on the map to their location. That point would then be saved when they submit the form.

    Please let me know if somebody can show me how he did it.


    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday June 15, 2010 | Permalink
  29. All,

    I'm still trying to figure out a way to do this. Does anybody have the code that net_mage altered?


    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday July 6, 2010 | Permalink
  30. obvio

    Carl, would you be kind enough to post this snippet "at our own risk"? Or is there an estimation for when it will be included in gf?

    Posted 14 years ago on Sunday August 8, 2010 | Permalink
  31. The code snippet I had received for this I was never able to get to work properly. So I don't have a working version of this users code and he hasn't posted in a while. Right now I don't have a time estimate as to when this will be included in GF as a native feature.

    It is something we plan on adding, however it's a smaller feature and we only plan the larger features months in advance and then work in the smaller features that we think we can fit into the development cycle. It's not in the current cycle which is nearing beta status, but we can look into including it in the next one.

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday August 9, 2010 | Permalink
  32. I am also looking to implement Gravity Forms with Google maps. Preferably using geo-mashup plugin as Pierre Ristic mentioned 10 months ago.

    Is this on the development schedule yet?

    Posted 14 years ago on Wednesday November 10, 2010 | Permalink
  33. We were not able to add this to 1.5. We decided to add the multi-page functionality and pricing fields to support the PayPal addon instead. This feature does seem to be at the top of the "wish list" from users now, so we will give it some good thought for next cycle.

    Posted 14 years ago on Wednesday November 10, 2010 | Permalink
  34. Hi Alex, I found that Boris at has achieved it. Boris is a member of this forum. Probably worth asking him how he did it.

    What is your approximate timeline for next cycle?

    Posted 14 years ago on Wednesday November 10, 2010 | Permalink
  35. Thanks for the tip Ben.
    We have a couple of other projects in the pipeline, so I don't have a timeline for next cycle yet.

    Posted 14 years ago on Thursday November 11, 2010 | Permalink
  36. I created a hook, that uses "WP Geo" plugin.

    Latitude and longitude are stored as "custom fields".

    See :

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday January 5, 2011 | Permalink