Form guru's... one more JavaScript question:
I'm working with Google's Website Optimizer to test the effectiveness of different content.
It lets you test different versions of your pages by replacing certain sections of text or code with variations you create. During the test, the best performing content is then displayed more frequently. The problem I'm running in to is that some of that text is located within GF fields. (form description, input description, confirmation message, etc).
Is it possible to insert JavaScript within any of these fields? If so, how?
This is an example of the code it would like me to include within the confirmation page
<!-- Google Website Optimizer Conversion Script -->
<script type="text/javascript">
if(typeof(_gat)!='object')document.write('<sc'+'ript src="http'+
<script type="text/javascript">
try {
var gwoTracker=_gat._getTracker("UA-10831409-8");
<!-- End of Google Website Optimizer Conversion Script -->
As always,
Thanks for your help