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Gravity form and multilanguage plugin WPML

  1. pettedemon

    I bought your plugin and am trying to configure it for my multilingual site.
    For the multilingual site I installed WPML.

    For each language I do a new form ... But when I create a new advanced form fields that allow me to enter the address, below have labels in English (eg, street address - address line -) how do I translate / change these values?


    Posted 14 years ago on Thursday January 27, 2011 | Permalink
  2. This thread should be helpful:

    Note: To modify the different pieces of the address field you just need to change the filter name (ie gform_address_city becomes gform_address_zip to modify the zipcode label).

    Posted 14 years ago on Thursday January 27, 2011 | Permalink
  3. pettedemon

    Thanks. I found the solution.
    I translate the .po and .mo files in languages folder of gravity plugin and called it
    Now the plug in is perfect in Italian.
    To other languages, english is default and deutchs is -gravityforms-de.po-.

    Posted 14 years ago on Thursday January 27, 2011 | Permalink