The Captcha on Gravity Form not working with Safari Browser either on PC or Mac.
Can someone help me how to rectify the issue?
Kindly have a look at http://www.wegowithanuar.com/contact-me-2/
Thank you
The Captcha on Gravity Form not working with Safari Browser either on PC or Mac.
Can someone help me how to rectify the issue?
Kindly have a look at http://www.wegowithanuar.com/contact-me-2/
Thank you
I see the Captcha just fine using Safari on my Mac. Have you solved this issue already?
Hi David,
Actually the issue not yet solved. I am using Safari window version the captcha still not working. I am not realize it not working on Safari browser until my customer highlight it.
Thank you
I am sorry, I don't understand. You say the issue is only with the Windows version of Safari? Can you give me which version of Windows and which Safari? Also, does the form preview work for them? Can you test this?