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Gravity form sending and receiving submissions but not redirecting

  1. I have a form setup at that SHOULD show the page upon completion of the form. However the form is not redirecting to that page upon submissions. Form entries are getting into the database and I an getting emails at the email address I enter on the form.

    I am getting returned to the page without the form on it. I have also tried using redirects and text confirmations but nothing will work or show up upon form submission.

    I have embedded by form with <?php gravity_form(1, false, false); ?> and added the required libraries.

    Posted 14 years ago on Thursday February 3, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Sorry for the delay in responding, part of our team (including me) just returned from traveling so we had been shorthanded but things will be getting back up to speed now that we are returning to full staffing strength.

    This is a very odd issue, haven't seen this. Is it happening on ALL forms when you try to use the redirect or only on this form? Can you try creating a new form with the same redirect options and let me know if it happens with the new form also?

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday February 4, 2011 | Permalink
  3. I was able to submit the form just now and received a text confirmation:

    Thank you for filling out our client survey. We will get back to you soon.

    I was using the Chrome browser 8.0.552.224 on Linux in case it matters. You should have a bogus form submission for me with just an email address. If I were just looking at the form with no background, I'd say you have a text confirmation set up instead of a page or redirect. To be clear, are you using the "page" confirmation and selecting your page from the drop down, or using a redirect confirmation and manually typing in the page?

    Also, are you submitting with AJAX?

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday February 4, 2011 | Permalink