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Gravity Forms granular capabilites and user roles

  1. allmyhoney

    Hi there, this question has been asked in probably a number of different use cases. I can see here on this topic it was touched on

    I am just wondering if you guys are considering more granular roles in gravity forms 1.6.4 I know its hinted at but I am just curious as to how to plan for this. I am working on a pretty large project on wordpress which requires certain users to take ownership of for example their own entries and their own form creations. On another role a user should have the ability to read all entries in the backend but have no ability to create forms at all or mess with any form creation tools. This would obviously bring about alot of very powerful applications because for large solutions this is a key feature (I am not sure you call this a feature as such).

    I know you cannot release timelines as a commitment but would this be part of plans for say 1.6.4 or is it a much later release towards say the end of the year or 2013. thanks in advance for your time.

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday March 16, 2012 | Permalink