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Gravity forms inexplicable break

  1. Good morning,

    When the following (after the row of hyphens) is entered into a Gravity forms text field in, clicking the "Submit" button results in a 500 Internal Server Error. The removal of 2 words ("from competitors") from the end of the first sentence of the last paragraph allows the form to be entered.

    Venture Publishing


    B&B Demolition Ltd. was founded in Edmonton in 1999 out of the home of the owner Bill Knight. Founded on principles of customer service and strong business relationships, B&B Demolition has become one of the largest interior demolition contractors in Alberta

    In the past, B&B Demolition has specialized in the interior demolition of commercial rental units, however in recent years B&B has expanded to include structural demolition in the residential and commercial sectors as well as selective deconstruction in industrial sectors. B&B’s diversity is revolutionary for the demolition industry, which makes them a strong candidate for Alberta’s Contractor of the Year.

    B&B Demolition is regarded as one of the most ecologically friendly demolition contractors in the industry. B&B is in the process of becoming LEEDS certified and has achieved recycle rates as high as 93% in the past. B&B is capable of recycling almost all non-hazardous building materials with extreme precision. B&B’s team works tirelessly to ensure that B&B’s corporate responsibility to the environment us upheld each and every day.

    Finally, B&B’s unending devotion to the local community has truly set them apart from competitors. B&B is a proud supporter of Sorrentino’s Garlic Stop, The Youth Empowerment Support Services, the Edmonton Singing Christmas Tree, The Kids with Cancer Society, and the Lois Hole Hospital Foundation, just to name a few. B&B on average donates $1,000,000 to charities in Alberta every year. In the words of founder Bill Knight, “The community has given us the tools to succeed. It is important that we pay it back in as many ways as we can.”

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday January 16, 2013 | Permalink
  2. This is going to be related to something on your server. I submitted your text to one of my forms and the submission went through fine.

    Are you submitting that as a post body field or just in a paragraph text field?

    Here is the post I created with your text:

    Here is the form I used to create that post: (password gravity)

    Do you have a link to the form on your site where this is a problem?

    Also, if you are getting a 500 Internal Server Error, that should be logged if it's not displayed on screen. Check your PHP or Apache error logs and see what caused the 500 error.

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday January 16, 2013 | Permalink
  3. Paragraph text field in

    I will check our logs.

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday January 16, 2013 | Permalink
  4. I created a form with a paragraph field in it, rather than a Post Body as I was testing before, and I was able to submit your text there as well. Please let us know what you find in the logs.

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday January 16, 2013 | Permalink
  5. I submitted only your text in your form, and I got the 500 error. There should be one error logged from me right now, IP address

    This is going to be something on your server. That's not a Gravity Forms error message. Maybe there is something in that submission that some security module does not like?

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday January 16, 2013 | Permalink