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Gravity Forms Removed from all My Websites

  1. It Conflicts with WishList Membership Plugin.
    Conflict Details
    Causes Wishlist users when registering for any membership level an error message stating the user name already exists and to pick another. This bug has been verified by me and Stu Mclaren owner of wishlist.
    It has caused me to loose untold members and potential income.

    Good product, but it doesnt make me money, wishlist does.

    Tom 727-642-6433

    Posted 14 years ago on Wednesday November 4, 2009 | Permalink
  2. We have contacted the people at WishList Membership Plugin repeatedly about this to work with them to determine the problem. It has been going on 2 months and counting and they have yet to get back to us on this.

    WishList does not release their code under the GPL and they obfuscate/encrypt their code so we can't look at it to determine why the conflict occurs.

    I wouldn't jump to conclusions to fault Gravity Forms as causing the problem. It could very well be a problem with WishList itself that only manifests itself under a situation that is presented when Gravity Forms is installed.

    Plugin conflicts are a tricky thing and you cannot assume that if Plugin B causes a problem with Plugin A that it is Plugin B's that is doing something wrong.

    If they provided you with any information as to why it happens, we would love to work with them on it. But since they have refused to communicate with us on this matter and their code is encrypted, it's impossible to determine the problem.

    Posted 14 years ago on Wednesday November 4, 2009 | Permalink