No worries, thanks for the reply.
Looking through your posts, I realized there might be an easier way to tackle my issue.
Is there a way to use the "list" feature with columns but use other fields as the columns like a multi select box?
Basically I have a list of products with different sizes. I want to make the form as clean as possible. Right now they are using a table/grid with the product name on one axis and the size on the other. If the size is available for that product there is an input field where they meet. Then they can enter the number (quantity) in that field. Originally I was going to duplicate this if possible but it would be nice to use that add row feature to do the following:
- The user selects the product with the Multi Select Box (using enhanced interface)
- Then selects size based on availability
- Then inputs the amount.
If the user wants they can click the + to add a new row of the above fields.
is this possible, if not can you recommend the best route for this?
Posted 11 years ago on Thursday February 28, 2013 |