Hello all, sorry that it's taken me this long to reply. I didn't mean to leave everyone hanging when you were so responsive to my request.
It took me a while to figure out what was going on, but here's my conclusion:
For the live site that was experiencing this problem (www.ultralevel.com) I figured out the extra < P > tags were happening when ANY short codes were in use, not just GF's. Putting short codes between [raw] [/raw] does solve the problem, but causes layout issues with Visual Composer plugin (which we use just fine on all of our websites).
A Google search reveals that there are actually a good number of people that are experiencing stray tags when using short codes. The resolution is probably to edit the theme's functions.php as the problem goes away using any of the WP default themes.
The problem on my dev server was actually caused by ANOTHER plugin, lol. Same exact symptom, different plugin. This time it was Lizatom Short Codes plugin. If you're using that plugin, you almost always have to tick the top box to disable custom formatting for it to play nice with other plugins.
I hope this helps somebody ;) Thank again for your help!
One thing I must know, though.. how were you able to see / tell that we had [raw] function enabled??
Thanks! Abdul
Posted 11 years ago on Monday March 18, 2013 |