I have loads of data in the form but on a couple of my sites, the export button does nothing on click and doesn't provide the download box as it should.
Why is this? What's the fix?!
Thanks in advance!
I have loads of data in the form but on a couple of my sites, the export button does nothing on click and doesn't provide the download box as it should.
Why is this? What's the fix?!
Thanks in advance!
Anyone got a fix for this?
It could be a permissions issue. That's been the case when your issue happened before.
Check that out and see if it makes a difference.
First check to make sure you are running the latest version of Gravity Forms, which is v1.5.2.8.
As Kevin stated above, it could be a file permissions issue but It could also be a PHP memory issue. If you don't have enough available PHP memory to process all of your entry data then it won't be able to complete the export routine.
For information on how to increase available PHP memory see this tutorial:
My server already has a PHP memory limit of 64MB, the folder permissions are set to 755, I even tried 777 still no luck. Anything else to try? The button won't work even for exporting 1 day's data.
@Ayyaz What version of Gravity Forms are you using? It's unlikely to be file permissions because the latest version of Gravity Forms doesn't write a file to your server, it streams it directly to your browser. I would first check to make sure you are running the latest version of Gravity Forms. Older versions of Gravity Forms handled the export differently, and did require folder file permissions be set correctly.