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Help getting form elements on same line

  1. I have read similar threads about getting form elements on the same line and followed the instructions in those threads precisely but I must be missing something.

    My form is located at:

    If you scroll to the bottom of the form where it says "We would love to know the names and ages of your children" I'm trying to get the names and ages of the children to be inline, or on the same line.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday June 29, 2011 | Permalink
  2. You should be able to use the CSS Ready Class "gf_inline" on all 6 of those fields and they'll wrap inline to display the way you want. That worked fine in my tests.


    You can also use the "gf_left_half" and "gf_right_half" classes if you want them to be in two equally spaced columns.. either way, the effect is similar for this form.

    Here's the documentation on how to correctly use the built-in CSS Ready Classes.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday June 30, 2011 | Permalink

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