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Help with CSS on multiple choice

  1. alstephen

    Hi -
    First off, great product. I can't wait to try out the new version on my test bed as the form I have is really large and like to split it up in several pages.

    My question is how to get a multiple choice question to appear left to right instead of up/down on the form. I am sure it is a CSS issue but I been trying to compare with another users' CSS file, the Rabbit foundation, but haven't been able to get it.

    I thought by reading some of the documentation you can add the CSS style inside the individual field under the advanced tab. Would adding gf_2col work since it is in the CSS file or is there something else that would need to be done?

    Sorry for the newbie question, but I spent the last few days looking through the forum and trying to decipher some of the examples to see if those solutions would work for me. Unfortunately, I haven't been lucky.

    One thing I was wondering if the new version would have:
    1) you have the custom NAME for three values, such as prefix, first and last name; first name and last name, etc. Would there be an option to allow us to add/modify to that?
    2) you have the custom ADDRESS field which gives you the ability to create a fast block for Address, city, state, zip, etc. Would us who purchase the product be able to create a custom set of fields like this that we could incorporate into the choices on the right side of the tool?

    Thanks again for the response. I am looking forward to include more GRAVITY FORMS on my sites. Keep up the great work!

    Posted 14 years ago on Thursday January 13, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Under Form Settings there is an option to specify label placement - - which would give you something like this - - which I suspect isn't quite what you're looking for. If you share a link to the exact look you're going for I can give you some tips on how to achieve it.

    In regards to your other two questions:

    1 - If you are talking about the name attribute on the fields, I do not believe there are any plans currently to allow this to be customizable. The current naming convent is required by Gravity Forms to retrieve submitted values.

    2 - I know this feature has been requested before, but I am not sure where it is at on the docket for being integrated. We will be sure to make an update about this if/when we decide to integrate it.

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday January 14, 2011 | Permalink