If your form is set up properly, you have a Post Field called "image" in the form. Screenshot: http://minus.com/mdc1sTm
That will allow people to upload an image with their post. Sounds like this is working since the images are making it to your media library. That's a good sign.
To get that into your post, you probably need to create a content template. Go to the "post body" field in your form, open that up, and scroll down to the "Create content template" check box. Check that, and you will be presented with a drop down of all the fields you can insert, and a text box in which to insert them. By default, the post content template will look something like this, with just one merge tag:
But if you pull down the drop down, you will see all sorts of fields you can insert into your content template. There will be some post image fields you can use, with variations for size and alignment.
Screenshot for one of my forms.
Give that a shot and mess with the HTML and formatting in the content template. Then make some test submissions and see what your posts look like.
Posted 13 years ago on Monday August 15, 2011 |