I have a multipage form and I'm trying to add the first page of the form to another page without using the gf shortcode ( bc I need to change the layout without changing the layout on the main form). I have everything working but I ran across two hidden inputs I was wondering how they work. The first one is the gform_unique_id...
<input class="gform_hidden" name="gform_unique_id" value="519ddedc403b1" type="hidden">
I know what this is used for but I am wondering if there is anything special that needs to be done to register the id. Or would simply doing this work?...
<input class="gform_hidden" name="gform_unique_id" value="<?php echo uniqueid(); ?>" type="hidden">
The second hidden input I'm not sure what it does or how to assign it...
<input class="gform_hidden" name="state_4" value="YToyOntpOjA7czo2OiJhOjA6e30iO2k6MTtzOjMyOiI4ZTU0YjQ0NmY4ZjExMDgzZDcyYTE1MmE2NGI2ZDdlOCI7fQ==" type="hidden">