Hi there,
I have a complex form, which to be totally honest I'd like to keep using the {all_fields} option on for notifications.
But (& I know you are going to say add each individual form entry/merge tag etc, etc...) I'd like to hide certain form fields from being sent/displayed in the email notification - without having to do that.
Is there any other way I can somehow group certain fields (credit card details in this case) & have a display:none !important (ok, perhaps not exactly like that) but somehow keep those form fields from being sent/displayed whilst retaining the {all_fields} option?
You see it seems that if I do that (keep the {all_fields} option) then the fields that aren't filled in by the user aren't displayed in the email (the desired result), but if I start manually adding each individual form field/merge tag to the email notification - then all fields are displayed regardless of whether or not the user has filled in those form fields - making the email notification somewhat harrowing to trawl through for the client.
See my dilema?
Granted - I am probably missing something here, hence my question.
Thanks for listening :)