If when using the Gravity Forms CSS the layout is messed up, chances are there is a problem with your site markup that needs to be fixed. If you look at the source of your page, you will see extra closing < p > and < br / > tags around the gform_footer. That is not being output by Gravity Forms. That is being done by your theme or a plugin. It's possible your theme includes a [raw] shortcode, which has been known to do this. You can read more about the problem and solution here: http://www.gravityhelp.com/forums/tags/raw
However, if you chose not to output the Gravity Forms CSS, you can still hide this honeypot field with CSS by adding this to your theme's stylesheet:
body .gform_wrapper .gform_validation_container {
display: none;
Posted 11 years ago on Thursday March 21, 2013 |