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Hiding field after condition has been met... Is it possible?

  1. krshoffner

    Is it possible to set up a field (dropdown, radio, etc) to where you allow users to select from until one of the fields has been selected X amount of times, and then it is hidden from the users?

    For instance, you have a dropdown or radio button field that has the following options to chose from:
    > January
    > February
    > March
    > April

    Each of these can be selected 5 times. Once "March" has been selected 5 times, it no longer is displayed and users only see:
    > January
    > February
    > April

    or maybe
    > January
    > February
    > March (full)
    > April

    I was curious if anybody has been able to do such a condition on a field; as it would be a great option to have, but I do not seem to know how to do it.


    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday January 15, 2013 | Permalink
  2. David Peralty

    You are looking for some form of inventory on your field that just doesn't exist in Gravity Forms. Not only do we not have any kind of inventory tracking built-in, but even the tutorials about creating an inventory system wouldn't help as you aren't stopping submissions when you run out of stock, but instead just removing the option from a list of options, which isn't something the tutorial supports.

    Here is the inventory tutorial I'm referencing:

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday January 15, 2013 | Permalink
  3. krshoffner

    David, this doesn't seem to be exactly perfect because it doesn't seem to work with dropdown or radio buttons. It may work for text/number fields, but doesn't seem to with option fields. I have posted something over on the gravitywiz site in case you need an example.

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday January 15, 2013 | Permalink