I had created a few forms back when the honeypot was first introduced. It worked well. Then I created some more forms later on with 1.4. that used honeypot. After not seeing any activity after a while on my forms I checked it to make sure it was submitting.
The form is submitting and displaying a thank you confirmation but it is not logged in the database or displayed in the admin- or emailed notification to me.
My OLD forms work with honeypot enabled in 1.5. If I duplicate those old forms they STILL work. But if I make any modifications to the duped form or hit the update form button it ceases to log entries even though it displays a confirmation to the user as described above.
I can correct it by simply disabling the honeypot for my newer forms. if I re-enable it it stops working again.
sounds like a bug. Please help I had a lot of "exits" from my contact page after people filled out the form but never got the leads. ouch!