I didn't want to hard code a line return (BR) after the field heading. I was wondering if there is a way to get the input boxes and radio buttons etc to be a line below the heading. My forms look very messy at the moment.
I didn't want to hard code a line return (BR) after the field heading. I was wondering if there is a way to get the input boxes and radio buttons etc to be a line below the heading. My forms look very messy at the moment.
Can you post a link to your form so we can check it out and see what's going on.
Still trying to integrate it with Cart66 properly too.
On about line 725 of:
You have your labels being floated.
Place this into your theme's stylesheet if you want to keep the generic label declaration above:
Rob, thanks so much. I thought there would be something simple for the answer.
Awesome, glad to help!