As the title says, could you give me a guide as to how I add GST and AU$? Thanks.
As the title says, could you give me a guide as to how I add GST and AU$? Thanks.
Jane, can you explain how these costs are figured? With that information, we can help you with the calculations. Please post a link to the form you have online now so we can see what fields we're dealing with. Thank you.
10% GST - what about AU$. Need to get this done, could you address everything ASAP? Thanks.
The 10% GST can be added as a calculation field. Please see this documentation:
1. Add a Product (Pricing Field) to your form.
2. Select "Calculation" from the "Field Type" drop down
3. In the Formula box, select the merge tag (or tags) you want to multiple by 10%, and add them to the calculation box, then multiply them all by .10.
4. After you've done all this, save the form, and preview it to see if the calculation works.
Screenshot of my calculation:
Screenshot of my prices before GST:
You will see the total is updated with the price plus GST, then if you select shipping that is added to the total AFTER the GST calculation. You can combine merge tags in your calculation if you like, and just add them all together, surrounded by parentheses, then multiple the whole thing by 0.10 GST.
Regarding AU$:
Gravity Forms supports just one currency per installation. The currency setting can be found on this page for your domain:
Is there any way to state the currency when people go to purchase? Other than putting it in the description?
Where would you want it stated? Usually people put it in the label or description.