Hey Chris! Thanks for your quick response and apologies for mine.
I've been chatting to Mark at MyReviewPlugin and he has helped me with some info.
This won't work for me right now due to another problem, although it's a great solution for others.
I'm pasting the feedback here if anyone wants / needs to do this. You would need the add-on plugin as mentioned, here goes:
As you may have seen on the MyRP blog, along with version 6 of MyRP I built some auxillary plugins that do exactly what you describe. Unfortunately, the GravityForms forums won't help you much, as attaching rating categories in MyRP is slightly more complicated than just creating a custom field -- well, it isn't, and you could go that approach if you want (the field name is _myrp_rating_categories -- but it is stored as a serialized array).
For many users, that might actually be the best approach. If you want to do that, go ahead and copy the field _myrp_rating_categories from an existing configured post and put it as a hidden Post Field > Custom Field in GravityForms. This will turn on the rating categories for that post, like magic.
Alternatively, I've attached the auxiliary plugin I've made. Its a bit trickier to use, but it gives you a bit more flexibility in accepting *editor's ratings* from submitted users. If this isn't what you want, you probably want the above method.
Alright, so here's (attached, you may need to go straight to the ticket at tickets.myreviewplugin.com to receive it) what I've built as an addon plugin. It makes it very easy on the part of GravityForms for integration.
Step 1. Download this ZIP, it is a standalone plugin that works with MyReviewPlugin. It requires MyRP to be activated to use.
Step 2. Unzip.
Step 3. Open myrpcff.php and edit it appropriately. At the top of the file is an array that is defined, right now, to contain two elements:
$myrpcff_cfs = array(
"myrp_Price" => array("editors", "Price"),
"myrp_Features" => array("editors", "Features")
This array maps custom fields in WordPress (and GravityForms) to MyReviewPlugin elements. For example, if you want to have an element called myrp_Price that maps to the editors rating for the category called Price, you'd enter:
"myrp_Price" => array("editors", "Price"),
Customize this as necessary. Your programmer will be able to figure out how is necessary, but basically, you're going to want to create a custom field entry for each rating category you want users to submit via GravityForms. Then, set up GravityForms to write to that custom field.
Step 4. Upload to your wp-content/plugins/ directory and activate.
Posted 13 years ago on Friday November 11, 2011 |