Hi all,
I would like to add a gravity form to the maintenance mode plugin page. I've changed to a customised 503.php page.
What do I need to do in order to make this work?
Hi all,
I would like to add a gravity form to the maintenance mode plugin page. I've changed to a customised 503.php page.
What do I need to do in order to make this work?
You should be able to embed a form in your 503.php page template using the php function call.
Just remember that you'll need to manually enqueue your scripts/CSS if you use the function call.
I inserted <?php gravity_form(1, false, false, false, '', false); ?> into the body of 503.php
But I'm using Genesis with the Delicious child theme and the header.php only exists for the parent theme. There's also a warning not to alter that particular header.php file.
I'm not sure then. You'll want to contact the StudioPress support team for guidance on that. You do need to have the wp_head() function call included in the page header and the wp_foot() function call included in the page footer so the forms scripts/css are loaded properly.
I'm not sure if the maintenance mode plugin supports shortcodes, but you might try adding the form shortcode there and see if it works.