is it possible to add an own CSS class to the main ul?
I found a solution for single fields in the docs http://www.gravityhelp.com/documentation/page/Gform_field_css_class but nothing for the wrapping ul
is it possible to add an own CSS class to the main ul?
I found a solution for single fields in the docs http://www.gravityhelp.com/documentation/page/Gform_field_css_class but nothing for the wrapping ul
On the Advanced tab of the form settings, you can set a custom CSS Class Name. That is applied to the form div. Does that work for you?
Unfortunately not. I need the class in the ul-tag, not in the wrapping div.
Can you explain what you're trying to do? Maybe we can come up with a work around. There is no way I know of to add a class to the < ul >.
I want to change the output from this:
<ul id="gform_fields_1" class="gform_fields left_label description_below">
To this:
<ul id="gform_fields_1" class="gform_fields left_label description_below unstyled">
The reason is a framework i use.
I don't know of a way to add a class to that UL. You can add a class to individual fields or the whole form div, but there is no built in way to add a class to the UL.
Hmm, pity. Thanks anyway!
Sorry we could not help you more. Normally we can find a work around for situations like these. If you need additional assistance, please let us know.
No problem, maybe it's a hook for the future ;)