Hi guys
First of all thanks for awesome support in previous matters..
I am wondering if there is tutorials/videos on how to set up a form where the chosen fields (in a form) will be posted back above the form (when okayed).
my client need a weekly booking form that comes down to hour/day and treatment.
but how do I make the booking work so that when approved hour show up as booked space like a simple text and maybe excluded in the form, so that next customer cant book the same time..
what i need is:
treatment: dropdown(about 10 different things)
Week - 47-48-49-50 and so on
day - mon-tue-wed-thu-fri (but in swedish)
hour 9.00 to 15.00 (on one hour increments)
textfield for extra comment
is there any way you can help... I dont mean that I want u to do the work but is there any way u can point me to a similar project or tutorial...
Grateful for any help :)