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How to create 2 columns

  1. Hi,

    I've read the other posts regarding creating columns however, I still am unable to figure out exactly what I need to do. Unfortunately I am not a programmer. Say I have a form with 20 options and I want to split them into 2 columns so they don't look too long. My questions are:

    1. Where can I find the css code to achieve this?
    2. Exactly where do i paste this css code?

    Appreciate any help. Thanks

    Posted 14 years ago on Thursday September 2, 2010 | Permalink
  2. There really isn't any generic CSS markup that will work for every form. Basically, you would use the float property to achieve this. For your particular form, I viewed the source, looked at the ID on the unordered list, then used this rule to create 4 columns of checkboxes.

    #input_1_6 li {width:25%; margin:0; min-height:1.8em; float:left}

    you would add that to the end of your theme's style.css file.

    view test screenshot

    If you wanted just 2 columns, you would simply adjust the width to 50%, 3 columns would be 33%, etc.

    This works really well for checkboxes and radio buttons with short, single line labels. It's a bit more difficult when you're trying to manage other fields.

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday September 3, 2010 | Permalink
  3. Having drag-and-drop placement of fields would be really cool. I know it would probably be difficult, but... :)

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday September 3, 2010 | Permalink
  4. Kevin,

    Thanks so much but when I try it on my dummy site, it works. When i try it on my real site, even though I adjust the form ID number, it still doesn't work. :( I can't quite figure out what I'm doing wrong. Appreciate your help please!

    Here's the real site. Can't make it work.

    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday September 7, 2010 | Permalink
  5. looks like you have the field id wrong. Try this.

    #input_8_4 li {width:50%; margin:0; min-height:1.8em; float:left}

    That worked okay for me. screenshot

    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday September 7, 2010 | Permalink
  6. Kevin... it works! you are a most wonderful wonderful savior! Thank you soooo much!!!!

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday September 10, 2010 | Permalink
  7. Great news. I'm pleased that I could help.

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday September 10, 2010 | Permalink

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