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How to create multi page forms?

  1. jcrsantiago

    I'm a Gravity Forms virgin, so I beg your pardon if I'm asking a stupid question.

    I installed Gravity Forms v1.5 RC3.7 so I could set up multi page forms. How do i do that? I do see a big shiny button that says multi page forms. (Which is what I expected.)

    Is there a guide section where I am supposed to find these things is is the forms the best place to look for them?

    -Thank you

    Posted 14 years ago on Saturday January 22, 2011 | Permalink
  2. to start a multi-page form, just click on the "page break" button to add a page break element.


    Then, place any fields you want between the page break indicators in the form builder. In the example screenshot below, the name and email address fields will be the initial page, then a page break element ends that page and starts a new one.

    screenshot - form builder:

    screenshot - form output:

    You can add other page breaks as needed throughout your form.

    Posted 14 years ago on Saturday January 22, 2011 | Permalink
  3. jcrsantiago

    OK great. Now how do i make the breaks conditional. So if the person selects A from the first page it has a series of questions on the second page. But if the person selects B from first page it has a different series of questions on the second page?

    Posted 14 years ago on Saturday January 22, 2011 | Permalink
  4. The page breaks work with conditional logic the same way the existing section breaks do. You can choose to show/hide the entire page content based on a selection just as you described.

    If you choose to hide the content on page 2 based on a selection, the next page would then basically be the 2nd page in the series.

    Posted 14 years ago on Sunday January 23, 2011 | Permalink
  5. Hi Guys

    I found this because I was completely stumped about multi-page forms - you've explained how to do it but for some reason on my version of gravity forms I don't have that nice shiny button that says PAGE BREAK, can you explain why it might be missing given that I have a developer licence.

    thanks in anticipation

    Steve G

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday February 18, 2011 | Permalink
  6. @InternetMentor the multi-page form functionality is only available in the 1.5 beta release. It's not in the current 1.4.5 version. That's probably why you're not seeing it.

    You can download the beta from the downloads page if you'd like to try the multi-page forms.

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday February 18, 2011 | Permalink
  7. Patag

    Am I correct that you cannot preview the multipage functionality?

    When clicking next page on a previewed form, I get redirected to /wp-admin/#gf_4 which only will show the Wp-admin.

    Cheers, Harry

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday April 5, 2011 | Permalink
  8. @patag You should be able to preview a multi-page form. If you can't, then something is wrong with your site. It could be a plugin or theme conflict. If you are running on Windows it could be a URL rewriting issue. It's hard to tell without seeing it happen.

    To test for a theme conflict:

    - Activate the default Twenty Ten theme
    - Test to see if the issue still occurs

    If it does, then something in your theme is causing a conflict. If it doesn't then move on to check for plugin conflicts.

    To test for a plugin conflict:

    - Deactivate ALL plugins
    - Activate Gravity Forms
    - Check to see if the issue occurs

    If it does not, then one of your plugins is causing a with Gravity Forms. To narrow it down follow the steps below:

    - Activate each plugin one by one
    - Check to see if the issue occurs after each one

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday April 5, 2011 | Permalink
  9. Patag

    Thanks for the quick reply Carl.
    however as the site is live I cannot switch themes nor mess with the plugins.

    But I created a private page and inserted the form, so I can preview it there and the multi-page works that way, so likely it is not the theme.

    Btw, the theme should not matter as the preview.php page is not using the theme (nor any plugins?), it seems like a bare page.

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday April 5, 2011 | Permalink
  10. @Patag The preview doesn't use the theme, but some theme elements that are enqueued may still be output on the page. It appears if it's only the preview that isn't working it is some sort of conflict. It's difficult to tell without being able to test for plugin/theme conflicts as that is one of the standard ways to check for issues encountered with a plugin or theme. Nobody else is reporting this issue so it's something unique to your site setup and thats the only quick way to test to narrow things down.

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday April 5, 2011 | Permalink