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How to Embed a Form into the Comment Area of every post.

  1. tmkailseo

    I would like to Embed a form into the comments area. I really need a drop down box that the commenter can choose and a place where they can enter their name for each comment they make. I would also like to store this information and possibly export it to a CSV file.

    So Example : Drop down box with an option to pick one of the 50 states for a location field. Then add their name to this comment. So that every comment will now have the State and name information from that form that was embeded.

    We just purchased Gravity forms but I need to complete this project as soon as possible and I was the one that suggested that Gravity forms could accomplish this task.

    Can anyone help me with this task? All help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday October 8, 2010 | Permalink
  2. Out of the box Gravity Forms cannot be used to create comments on posts. It can be used to create posts themselves, but not comments on posts. That is what the built in comment form is for.

    It would be possible to do this with Gravity Forms, which is capable of doing it, however it would be a customization and you would have to write custom code to do so. This is a more advanced customization and if it was something you wanted to do you may want to consider hiring a WordPress consultant with Gravity Forms development experience to do so. But it is completely doable... it just isn't a built in feature.

    If you need me to refer you to a WordPress consultant who we trust as far as Gravity Forms experience I certainly can.

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday October 8, 2010 | Permalink