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How to retrive an uploaded image ?

  1. I'm obviously missing a step here... could anyone point me in the right direction?
    The form can be seen here -

    Step 1
    A viewer upload's a photo, and provides a bit of text on that photo, and submits the form.

    Step 2
    A human receives that email and then manually creates a Post with the information. In the email, the image path is provided:

    Step 3
    The human wants to use the above image as the 'featured image' for that post. But how do I do that? The image in not in the /uploads folder; it's in the sub-folder so I can't access itlike I would any other image. Nor do I have a URL field, or I'd just populate the field with the above URL.

    So close, but clueless...

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday December 14, 2012 | Permalink
  2. With no post to attach the image to, it won't ever be in the media library when the form is submitted. If a human is manually creating the post, maybe they can add it to the media library for the post, rather than just insert the image tag to the current location. If you "add by url" it will be added to the media library and associated with that post, and can then be set as a featured image.

    You could also create posts with your form submissions automatically, and the image would be associated with the post in that way. You could have the posts created in draft status, and then your human could edit and approve them.

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday December 19, 2012 | Permalink