How do we return product quantity in gform_hooks ?
How do we return product quantity in gform_hooks ?
Can you give me more information on what you are trying to do? I don't understand.
I'm triying to return the value for the product qty.
I need to validate qty field. It should be trivial no?
Check this out:
Something like this maybe ...
But in gform_field_validation hook.
Have you tried the following?
I would like to test if my list field rows == product quantity in the second step.
Since the quantity field is in the step 1, it is not validated on step 2
The quantity would be use to populate the field list with the required rows.
I would really appreciate some help on this one.
All I need to do is to populate a list field with a qty collected in the first step.
Here is the code:
So I don't think you can use pre_render to take something from one section of a form and populate another. Because when pre_render has run, no one has typed anything in yet.
Have you looked at this:
Thanks. Thats how I did it finaly.
Thank you for sharing your code.