I wish to determine whether or not to show a field by whether or not someone entered any text in response to another field. Is this possible and, if so, how should I structure the conditional logic?
I wish to determine whether or not to show a field by whether or not someone entered any text in response to another field. Is this possible and, if so, how should I structure the conditional logic?
Do you have this form online currently so we can take a look at the two questions you have so far?
Yes, here is the form: http://www.hollyhouse.org/feedback-therapy/
I'd like to make presentation of the "Follow Up" question conditional upon a respondent entering something/anything in the "Biggest Frustration" question that precedes it but I'm not sure how to handle that with the conditional settings for "Follow Up".
While you are looking at the form, can you tell me if there is any way to always justify the tops of the right and left half questions? Sometimes the left half will start above the right half but, as far as I can tell, never vice versa.
I don't think there is a way to have a field displayed conditionally based on input into a text area. You could probably do it with jQuery, but that seems like overkill.
How about if you asked "Did you experience any frustrations during your session" and had that a yes/no radio button? Then, you reveal two fields on a yes selection: the text area and the follow up radio buttons? You can make both these fields required and they will be required only if the answer to the first question was yes. If it is no, the fields are not shown and they will not be required. Would that work?
Regarding your layout issue, I will have Rob take a look at that one for you. Thanks.
See if this gets you a bit closer. Drop this CSS snippet into your theme's stylesheet:
#content .page .gform_wrapper li, #content .page .gform_wrapper form li, #content .post .gform_wrapper li, #content .post .gform_wrapper form li {
margin: 0 0 15px 0 !important;
Hi Rob,
I pasted your code into my theme's style sheet as suggested. I assume it was meant to address the issue I brought up above:
can you tell me if there is any way to always justify the tops of the right and left half questions? Sometimes the left half will start above the right half but, as far as I can tell, never vice versa.
If not let me know. If so, it had no affect. Other suggestions? Sorry for mucking up the thread by combining 2 issues in one.
It definately changed it, the "Satisfaction/Sharing" and "Repeat/Reason" fields are now closer aligned. Can you do me a favor - what does this look like when you view it in the formbuilder preview window. Is it similar or different, etc? If you could take a screenshot that'd be great.