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How to use create_lead() function to create lead partway through a form

  1. I noticed with interest the new create_lead() function added in version I was hoping it would address my use case, but it doesn't seem to really solve my problem.

    I have a multi-page form, where users enter more information about themselves on each page of the form. I would like to save the lead's information after each page of the form, and update their information as they progress through the form.

    I see that the create_lead() function takes the current form progress and returns a lead object. How would you recommend that I save this lead, so that it can be overwritten later? If I were to call save_lead() after create_lead(), is there a way to preserve the lead ID that is generated, so that subsequent calls to save_lead() edit the original lead rather than creating new ones?

    Posted 11 years ago on Monday May 21, 2012 | Permalink

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