I was able to take a look at this and I see a JavaScript error:
Error: missing } after property list
Source File: http://residencemoderno.12345678.it/cms/?page_id=12
Line: 119, Column: 606
Source Code:
if(window['jQuery']){jQuery(document).ready(function(){gf_apply_rules(3, [3], true);jQuery('#gform_wrapper_3').show(0, function(){if(window['gformCalculateTotalPrice']){window['gformCalculateTotalPrice'](3);} });});if(!window['gf_form_conditional_logic'])window['gf_form_conditional_logic'] = new Array();window['gf_form_conditional_logic'][3] = {'logic' : {3: {"field":{"actionType":"show","logicType":"all","rules":[{"fieldId":"1","operator":"is","value":"Prima scelta"}]},"nextButton":null,"section":{"actionType":"show","logicType":"all","rules":[{"fieldId":"1","operator":"is","value":"Prima scelta"}]] }, 'dependents' : {3: [3,2] }, 'animation' : 0 }; }
That is not a normal Gravity Forms error. Your form is not even appearing in this page. It appears that the Theme Forest theme has some additional shortcodes which are affecting the processing of the Gravity Forms shortcode, and possible other shortcodes. You should contact the author of the theme and see what they can do to resolve the issue. It's an issue with the theme, not Gravity Forms.
Posted 13 years ago on Friday October 21, 2011 |