I am using gravity forms to recommend a solution to people based on the answers to specific questions.
My form is at http://www.ibvmarketing.com/my-tool-advisor/
The recommendation contains html output including a link.
When you use my multi-page form, the conditional logic outputs the proper html on the second to last page of the form.
I need to be able to send the html information in a notification email and save it in the gravity forms entries, so someone can access it again (using the Gravity Forms Directory Plugin).
I read http://www.gravityhelp.com/forums/topic/conditional-html-fields-to-display-on-confirmation
because this is similar to my issue. I tried using the code mentioned at the end of that post (http://pastie.org/1291129). It displayed the new email content correctly, but I am not sure exactly how to modify that code for my purposes.
In the code there is a line
(" . $_POST["input_6"] . ")
I tried changing 6 to the field id number for the html block, but it didn't display.
How do you figure out the input number?
Or better yet, is there a notification tag like {all fields} where it can display the html blocks that meet the conditional logic used throughout the form?