I have a form with 12 html blocks set up with condition logic but strangely only 10 of them are displayed. To the other 2 i cannot add content. After addind it and updating the form, the html content simply disapears. What to do?thanks
I have a form with 12 html blocks set up with condition logic but strangely only 10 of them are displayed. To the other 2 i cannot add content. After addind it and updating the form, the html content simply disapears. What to do?thanks
Please share a URL to your form so we can check it out. Most likely, there is some flawed conditional logic or a script conflict but we can't really tell you for sure without inspecting the form firsthand.
Thank you for the quick answer.this is my form http://fatedthings.com/fate/2013-fated-things/
Please export that form as XML (Forms > Import/Export > top center menu item "Export Forms") and email it to chris@rocketgenius.com - I will check the configuration.
Thank you.
Hello Chris,
I've sent you the requested xml file.
I installed the form and was able to add content to the Scorpio HTML block without a problem. That was the only block coming up with not HTML in it.
The conditional logic worked correctly to show a different HTML block for each astrological sign.
I would try importing the export you sent me, and see if you can edit that, and if your conditional logic rules work. Sometimes just exporting the form and importing it again will clear any erroneous conditional logic rules which are left behind after editing your form and fields on which the conditional logic depends.