Hey all,
I am trying to build a website from which I can sell printing. I'm no web developer and no Steve Forbs so I needed to find something Afforfdable, easy to customize and good looking. Wordpress, Gravity Forms and Cart 66 seemed to be the best possible solution for me.
I have my site up: http://www.Printoz.com and I added my products with some variations but I have run into a HUGE problem with Gravity Forms that is bringing my project crashing down before it even fully starts. So, here we go:
If you go to here: http://www.printoz.com/?page_id=539
you can see my problem in action.
I am selling business cards to There is Quantity, Paper and Sides as my first OPTIONS.
I have 6 different Quantity options. Each of them show upon the Condition of Paper and Sides.
Here is the problem.
I also want to add another OPTION Round Corner.
I would have 4 different Round Corner Options Each one would be a Yes/No Dropdown. Exactly the same but with different price values. Each one would show on the Condition of Quantity.
This is where is gets all Screwy. I have tried every combination of SHOW/HIDE - ALL/ANY IS/IS NOT Possible. It doesn't work properly.
I'm not sure if it's just too many conditions for the program to handle?
IS it because there is condition up condition upon condition?
I've been playing with this for a month now and I am positive this is not on my end.
It has to be something wrong with the code.
Has anyone had a similar problem?
Has anyone found a solution?
I just need this to work. Everything is on hold because of this and I really just want to get going.
I look forward to reading your replies.
Thanks for your time,