Does anyone have a clue how I can do this. I am using 1.5.RC4.2
It's very important for my users to be able to have the quantity of all the items they are ordering.
any ideas?
Kim White
Does anyone have a clue how I can do this. I am using 1.5.RC4.2
It's very important for my users to be able to have the quantity of all the items they are ordering.
any ideas?
Kim White
You would have to implement this as a customization using custom jQuery. Are you familiar with jQuery?
familiar yes. have i used it myself? no. I might have a developer to help me on this. Are there instructions on where to start?
You would have to use jQuery to calculate the total of those fields and populate another field with the final value dynamically. So if you didn't know jQuery you may need to hire a developer that does to implement this for you. Here are some we can recommend:
Ounce of Talent
Scott Kingsley Clark
do you see this as something they may be added for next release?
We call it the "Quotal" around here.