Hey there,
I'm actually discover the Gravity Form plugin. For a Landingpage I need a simple Timetable function where User could register for specific events. There're 5 different days for events. Each Event should contain a
- Time field (f. e. 8:00 - 11:00)
- Heading
- describtion (maybe toggled)
- Checkbox for registration
and a Name & Email -field + register Button.
I tried the 3 column Layout (5 would be great) with succes. But unfortunately I'm not able to connect the event-belonging informations in a boxed style layout. For a better understanding I added a screenshot with comments: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v0j5ch8ktxxd04w/Bildschirmfoto%202013-01-02%20um%2018.51.42.png
Any idea would be helpful.
Thank you in advance.
EDIT: A vertical line between the seperate days would also be great.